Friday, March 9, 2012

UMC General Conference, 6 weeks ahead

...and this is what the Wisconsin Conference says about proposed cuts and changes in general ministries and overall policy definitions. Forgive me if I have trouble reading this as saying anything other than "wait, no, we should pray more, talk more, and not do anything major for another four years." When the fact is, everyone's getting a haircut. The only question remaining is: who's going to be the barber?

This is the kind of thing that I know feels good to say, but how does it actually "live out"? And then I re-read the Wisconsin Conference statement, which tries to say the same sorts of things, but practically speaking says "so don't change the structures as we have them today." And neither is going to hold up over the next four years even in the rosiest of scenarios. Nor is chanting, over and over, "if the members gave more generously, we wouldn't have this problem." How 'bout we ask why they aren't? Or is it already a given that it's only sin and selfishness that explains it?

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