Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A must-read for the class!

Long, but I promise to keep the posts to a minimum next week - this is about the last piece of required reading, anyhow, along with "The Design" (which you already read, right?).

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Also, "your guess is as good as mine"!

Interesting, but . . . "what is it?" Which, to be fair, in Hebrew is "manna"!
Make sure to scroll down to the "Presidents installed..." article and pdf link for the full press release.

So, what is it? A Push-Me, or a Pull-You? Or is it a Pushmepullyou?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

This is being said about Jewishness by the late Tony Judt, quoted in an article about Black identity in today's NY Times; does it have any relevance beyond race & ethnicity?  Does it carry any weight in an inherited or adopted faith tradition?

“We acknowledge readily enough our duties to our contemporaries; but what of our obligations to those who came before us?”


The comments are almost as interesting . . .

. . . as Willimon's column.

And here's what he's responding to:

Friday, March 16, 2012


For Saturday

Alexander Campbell

The Candidus Essays (The Reporter, No. 1)

The Evidences of Christianity - the Robert Owen debates (*Skim!!!*)

Views of Mr. Alexander Concerning the Doctrines of Election and Reprobation

On Moral Societies

The Christian System
   Chapter II - The Bible (the understanding distance)
   Breaking the Loaf (re: Wesley)

Address on War

Is this relevant to DoC, USA, or anything?

Maybe not, but I'm posting it anyhow. (Resignation as Archbishop of Canterbury, top link on page)

This one's for Aaron . . .

Just click the link:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Church foreclosure

I'm not aware of any DoC or UCC congregations that have had this happen to them, but I know of three Ohio congregations that have been foreclosed on in the past year or so. This also is part of the environment we're "doing church" in:

Friday, March 9, 2012

UMC General Conference, 6 weeks ahead

...and this is what the Wisconsin Conference says about proposed cuts and changes in general ministries and overall policy definitions. Forgive me if I have trouble reading this as saying anything other than "wait, no, we should pray more, talk more, and not do anything major for another four years." When the fact is, everyone's getting a haircut. The only question remaining is: who's going to be the barber?

This is the kind of thing that I know feels good to say, but how does it actually "live out"? And then I re-read the Wisconsin Conference statement, which tries to say the same sorts of things, but practically speaking says "so don't change the structures as we have them today." And neither is going to hold up over the next four years even in the rosiest of scenarios. Nor is chanting, over and over, "if the members gave more generously, we wouldn't have this problem." How 'bout we ask why they aren't? Or is it already a given that it's only sin and selfishness that explains it?

Trenchant analysis

So, if this consideration is correct (and I think it's spot-on), what does it say to/about our Disciples' and UCC traditions?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

And I thought I was being a little mordant in class . . .

Unlike my Facebook comment, you folks need to read ALL of it (even if it is a bit longer than it needs to be); plus check the links in the essay out.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Be prepared to discuss this church plant on Mar. 16

I'm starting you on this page, but don't stop there. How would you explain this church to someone? Where do you see it "going"?

What can disaster response teach us about polity? (Lots.)

Review this link for our DoC ministry:

. . . and I'll repost this Facebook message I got from my friend Susan McGhee, executive presbyter for the Presbytery of Ohio Valley (PC(USA)). How does Facebook/Twitter change disaster response?

Update on Indiana Tornados for 
Members and Friends of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley

Dear Friends,

We don't have too much more to report, but I wanted to be in touch one more time this evening. I still have not been able to reach the clerk of session at the Henryville Community Church; I hope to know more by morning. We have received various reports on the state of the church building, and we do not yet know exactly what kind of damage it may have sustained.

I have been on the phone with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and have asked them to come and help. A rapid response team is being deployed even now. They will met me in Seymour tomorrow evening, and we will travel together to Henryville on Sunday morning.

Many of you have called and emailed and offered to help. At this time, however, I simply do not know what kind of help is most needed. My advice, and that of my PDA contact people, is to stay away from the Henryville area at this time. The area is likely to be hazardous, and no one needs to deal with further injuries. Much help will be needed in the weeks and months ahead, and we will let you know how you can best be of assistance. For now, I ask for your prayers for all whose lives and homes are affected, and for those who are already on the scene providing assistance. And your monetary gifts to PDA will make a difference, too!

In life and in death, and in all the circumstances of life, we belong to God. And we belong to each other. Thanks be to God for these blessed connections.

Peace and all good,
The Rev'd. Susan C. McGhee
Executive Presbyter
The Presbytery of Ohio Valley

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Slavery, modernity, & instrumental music - three strands of a tug-o'-war rope

He was contumacious, yet influential as a conciliator (at least for some). Happy birthday, Brother McGarvey -- this article is well worth your time.

So . . . . ? What do you think?

Diana gave much this same speech to the clergy conference gathered by Sharon Watkins last year; sadly, we never thought to invite Hitchens to speak at a General Assembly.