Saturday, March 3, 2012

What can disaster response teach us about polity? (Lots.)

Review this link for our DoC ministry:

. . . and I'll repost this Facebook message I got from my friend Susan McGhee, executive presbyter for the Presbytery of Ohio Valley (PC(USA)). How does Facebook/Twitter change disaster response?

Update on Indiana Tornados for 
Members and Friends of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley

Dear Friends,

We don't have too much more to report, but I wanted to be in touch one more time this evening. I still have not been able to reach the clerk of session at the Henryville Community Church; I hope to know more by morning. We have received various reports on the state of the church building, and we do not yet know exactly what kind of damage it may have sustained.

I have been on the phone with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and have asked them to come and help. A rapid response team is being deployed even now. They will met me in Seymour tomorrow evening, and we will travel together to Henryville on Sunday morning.

Many of you have called and emailed and offered to help. At this time, however, I simply do not know what kind of help is most needed. My advice, and that of my PDA contact people, is to stay away from the Henryville area at this time. The area is likely to be hazardous, and no one needs to deal with further injuries. Much help will be needed in the weeks and months ahead, and we will let you know how you can best be of assistance. For now, I ask for your prayers for all whose lives and homes are affected, and for those who are already on the scene providing assistance. And your monetary gifts to PDA will make a difference, too!

In life and in death, and in all the circumstances of life, we belong to God. And we belong to each other. Thanks be to God for these blessed connections.

Peace and all good,
The Rev'd. Susan C. McGhee
Executive Presbyter
The Presbytery of Ohio Valley

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the note from Susan.

    I'd love to hear how this class conversation went!
